January 11, 2022

Beloved in Christ:

Last week, everyone on Calvary’s mailing list received a letter about our friend and Director of Music and Arts, Brian Williams. If you are on the email list but not the mailing list, this might be new news for you – Brian has accepted the call to be the Director of Worship and Music at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Austin, Minnesota, beginning on February 6.  Brian’s last Sunday at Calvary is January 23.

Brian has been part of life at Calvary for 23 years, and he will be incredibly missed. Our music program, including the Motet Choir, several Children’s choirs, and diverse musical offerings are well known in the region and in the Episcopal world, and Brian built on what was already a strong core value of music when he arrived so long ago.  He leaves our program in a very healthy place, even in the midst of the pandemic, and gives us a great foundation to build upon as the Vestry and I begin to do our own discernment with you as to next steps for our music program.

We will celebrate Brian on January 23 at 3:00pm in a Fire Pit Farewell in our Oasis Garden because of current Covid protocols.  Bundle up and come and enjoy hot drinks, delicious snacks and warm fellowship! The Vestry and I invite you to give towards a financial “purse” as a gift for Brian, and also to give to our Music Fund in his honor. Simply put the intention of your gift in the memo line on your check.

I am sad to have to say farewell to Brian and Thom, but know that they will always be friends to Calvary, and to me. And, I’m delighted for Brian as he moves into this exciting new opportunity.

I want to especially thank our Motet Choir members for their loving grace and support of Calvary right now. They are an amazing group – more than friends, they are a family.  Let us all be in loving support of one another. Please be in touch with me or your Vestry and Wardens with any questions or comments.

In gratitude,
