April 5, 2023

Beloved in Christ:

May the indescribable joy of Easter morning be yours this Easter, and every day. May the promise of the mystery of the empty tomb invite and intrigue you always to follow the call of the One who made the tomb to be empty. May the Risen Christ appear to you as he did to the first disciples: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and the other women, in times of confusion, grief, worry and hope, with assurances of his abiding presence and his promise of new life. And may God, who through God’s love creates all for love, encircle you with that same love, the love that encircles the Son and the Spirit, the love that dances in the heavens and in our hearts, the love that draws us all to become the creatures God has created us to be, bless you this Easter Day, and always.

A glorious Easter to you all. With love and gratitude,
