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ECMN’s Racial Justice and Healing Commission will host an inaugural retreat for racial healing and justice-making September 29-30 at St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, 60 N Kent St, St Paul, MN 55102.

This in person retreat utilizes our Eucharistic liturgy as a frame for understanding ministries of racial justice and healing as an integral element of our ongoing spiritual formation and discipleship. Participation in the retreat will also fulfill canonical requirements for anti-racism training.

The retreat begins with dinner on Friday and programming until 9pm. We will re-gather at St. John’s Saturday morning at 8:15am for coffee and breakfast and conclude our time at 5:30pm (lunch will be included). Please do not register if you cannot be present for the entirety of the retreat.

The cost for participation is $50. If financial assistance is needed, please contact Kelsey Schuster at kelsey.s@episcopalmn.org.

A hotel room block will be available and will be communicated to those registered in the coming weeks.

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