Beloved in Christ:

Do you like coffee? Hot tea? Doughnuts? Calvary needs you, if so! Many of our most veteran coffee hour hosts and hostesses have recently taken well-deserved retirements from being part of the coffee hour rota and we need new hosts and hostesses! The current crew are pretty stretched right now and would really welcome an influx of volunteers to become part of the schedule. Making coffee and setting up the cups, napkins, and spoons is a real ministry of hospitality to other parishioners and guests at Calvary. And, the more people who volunteer to help, the less everyone will have to do it! It’s an easy task – Jean Williams, chair of coffee hour, is an excellent teacher and will show you everything you need to know to make the perfect cup of coffee. I think we all agree that if we came to Calvary on a cold Sunday morning and there was no coffee because no one volunteered, it would be tragic. Unlike many faith communities, we have really good coffee, sustainably sourced and locally roasted. Please be in touch with Jean Williams at with your availability and she will get you all ready to be on the schedule. You can do this as a couple, partner with friends, or pull in your teenagers to help.

While you are at it and are planning your fall, there are a few other ministry opportunities at Calvary that need a new influx of volunteers:

  1. Usher on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am or 10:30 am – truly this can be a family affair, or we will match you up with a partner.
  2. Lectors and prayer leaders – do you love to read Scripture? Do you feel a call to be more involved in the liturgy at Calvary? We need you and your gifts!
  3. Altar Guild – it is an honor and a privilege to be a part of the team that prepares the altar and all of the areas that are involved with worship for our Sunday services, funerals, healing services, and weddings. Being on the altar guild teaches so much about the church, including our traditions and rituals, and many current members will tell you that this is a ministry that enhances their own spiritual lives in beautiful and unexpected ways.

We are also welcoming new Sunday school teachers for all ages – a supremely fulfilling ministry opportunity, as well as new members of the Motet Choir, volunteers to help Patty Arndt in the church office, and folks to be a part of our ongoing missions and outreach team.

As you plan your fall and winter months ahead, know that you are needed at Calvary, bringing the gifts and skills that only you have, joining together with others from Calvary to do the work to keep our liturgy, outreach, formation, and mission of hospitality strong and thriving. Each one of you is gifted and beloved, and together, we can all keep Calvary thriving.

Questions? Want to volunteer?  Give me a call or email me and I will connect you to the right people.

Thanks to so many of you who have or are currently volunteering in so many ways. This beloved community is so worth the time we can give  – a little or a lot, to keep Calvary vibrant.

In the peace of God,