Beloved in Christ:

The bishop is coming, the bishop is coming!

On Sunday, September 15, we will welcome the 10th bishop of Minnesota, the Right Reverend Craig Loya, to Calvary. In order to join in with our whole community and not only welcome Bishop Loya, but celebrate the 16 people, adults and young people, who will be confirmed and received, we will have one service at 10:30 am, followed by our parish picnic. We are marking our feast day, Holy Cross, that day as well. It’s going to be a wonderful day with joyful liturgy, happy new members of Calvary, and the love shown in the fellowship around boxed lunches, music, and homemade pie at our annual picnic.

I can’t wait to celebrate everything that is Calvary – our hospitality, fellowship, and joy; our prayer-filled liturgy and glory-filled music, along with the sounds of happy children and the hope and possibility brought to us by all of our children, including our teenagers, that Sunday. As I begin my eighth program year at Calvary, I can’t imagine anywhere else I want to be. The Holy Spirit is so very present among us, calling us to mission and relationship with one another and with our neighbors. The future is interesting, challenging, hope-filled, and very bright.

Thanks be to God, and thanks be to you.

With love,