Beloved in Christ:

It could have been my hip or my knee – common areas of complaint from an active lifestyle after many years – but it is my thumb. Yes, I have been felled by intensely painful arthritis in my left hand and thumb. I am far from unusual – apparently arthritis in the base of the thumb is the most common place for that painful thing to appear and cause problems, especially for women. I have been dealing with this pain for over a year, trying all of the things my physicians asked me to try and finally, the only option left is surgery. So, this coming Thursday, February 6, I will have a process called a trapeziectomy, and while my surgeon is in there, she will correct some carpal tunnel issues. The only thing unusual about this surgery is its very long recovery time. Expect to see me in a splint or a cast or another splint for weeks to come as I recover.
Luckily, I am right-handed, but it is surprising to learn how many things I do with my left hand, and how it is the important “helper” hand, or the “gripper” hand, which is exactly why I have arthritis in it. I will spend one night in the hospital and then stay home for a few days to figure out how to deal with this left hand and to rest a bit.
The Rev. Julie Luna, a friend and fellow clergywoman, will be here this Sunday for both services to celebrate and preach. She lives in Stillwater – not a short drive from Rochester – so I really appreciate her willingness to be here at Calvary with y’all. I know you will welcome her with hospitality and warmth. I wouldn’t mind a few prayers – I have not spent the night in a hospital for my own needs (I have been there for others) in 40 years, and have not had general anesthesia since… well, suffice it to say that I didn’t have my driver’s license yet.
I have every confidence that all will go well and that I will be back with you all next week, and certainly on February 16.
In gratitude for my good health and in prayer for yours,