Rector’s Blog: March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023 Beloved in Christ: I’ve had some rich discussions this Lent with a variety of people, some of our Calvary brothers and sisters, some clergy colleagues, and some people I’ve just encountered along the way, about how, as Christians, our voices can and should be heard in
Rector’s Blog: February 22, 2023
February 22, 2023 Beloved in Christ: I have much news to share! First, on this snowy Ash Wednesday, I hope you received last night’s email about having to cancel tonight’s Ash Wednesday service along with the Ashes-to-Go outreach this morning, due to the ongoing winter storm. The noon service
Rector’s Blog: February 1, 2023
February 1, 2023 Beloved in Christ: The Annual Meeting of Calvary Episcopal Church has come and gone. As you know, we enfolded the business meeting into the midst of our worship of God, and moved everyone out of their comfort zones by worshipping and meeting in Crawford Hall. After
Rector’s Blog: January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023 Beloved in Christ:On Epiphany Sunday, 2020, I climbed a tall ladder and wrote some numbers and letters over the door that leads from the nave into the ambulatory at Calvary, as the congregation participated with me in the Chalking of the Door liturgy. Ever since then, the
Rector’s Blog: December 21, 2022
December 21, 2022 Beloved in Christ: I have no greater wish or prayer for you in these last days before the Feast of the Incarnation, than that you and your loved ones find time for peace, memory-making, and joy. The weather on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is not going
Rector’s Blog: December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022 Beloved in Christ: The Calvary Prayer Wall was taken down and cleaned and stored in preparation for its return in the spring. Its location on the southeast corner of Calvary's block is the perfect place to offer prayer opportunities to hundreds of people who walk on our