Faith Formation for Children and Youth

Children and youth are integral to life at Calvary—in our worship, our choirs, in special outreach activities, and in our faith formation programming.

At Calvary, we take our baptismal covenant seriously, seeking to help every young person “develop an inquiring and discerning heart” and “to know and to love God, and the gift of joy and wonder in all God’s works.” We encourage children and youth to learn and grow in their faith in safe and welcoming ways that include:

  • A staffed nursery during and between worship services (ages birth to 3 years)
  • A vibrant Sunday school program (ages 4 years- high school) with our own unique curriculum
  • A monthly Children’s Chapel
  • A Youth Ministry Grant Team promoting leadership and development for middle school youth
  • TEC – Teens Encounter Christ for middle and high school aged youth
  • Youth events and fundraisers
  • Mission trips
  • Vacation Bible School in the summer

Adult Faith Formation

At Calvary, we believe that learning and growing in one’s faith is not a passive, but an active experience. We encourage people to question and discern and to engage one another in a safe and free learning environment. Our Adult Faith Formation Team provides a variety of formal and informal educational opportunities for exploration, discussion, questioning, and learning. These opportunities include:

  • Sunday Forums with invited speakers and presentations
  • Adult education series on aspects of faith
  • Calvary Conversations for sharing and storytelling
  • Benedictine Way small group
  • Calvary Sacred Circle—a contemplative ministry offering yoga/meditation classes, Centering Prayer, monthly labyrinth walks, contemplative art experiences, Quiet Days, and Taizé worship
  • Adult pilgrimages
  • Small group study and fellowship

Upcoming Events

Find our five soonest Formation events below – or visit our calendar page to see the whole schedule.