Calvary Music

Music weaves through every aspect of life at Calvary, amplifying our celebratory worship and deepening our moments of reflection. Whether it’s an organ prelude, a robust or prayerful hymn, tympani and brass on high feast days, the gentle refrains of flute and cello, the high voices of our youngest choristers or an anthem rising to the rafters, music connects our community to one another and to God.


Calvary’s choirs lead worship every Sunday at 10:30 am as well as at special services throughout the year. The parish choirs also present larger choral works and host organ and instrumental recitals at the church.

Newcomers are welcome in all of Calvary’s choirs

  • Motet Choir, for adults and youth
  • Canterbury Choir, for grades 7 through 12
  • St. Cecilia Choir, for grades 2 through 6
  • St. Nicholas Choir, for pre-K through grade 1

The children’s choirs loosely follow the Royal School of Church Music curriculum, with choristers earning medallions with different colored ribbons as they progress. The children’s choirs also participate in the annual Episcopal Youth Music festival at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis. Musicians from the congregation also play woodwinds, bells, and other instruments during services.

Pipe Organ

Calvary’s Noehren-Harris organ has been described as “a French organ with an English soul.” Built in 1974, it is typical of others of that era in favoring “sparkle” more than heavy sounds. That said, this organ is a very versatile instrument, particularly given the space constraints in the church. The only instrument to bear the name “Noehren-Harris,” it has 4 manuals (or keyboards) and 36 ranks of pipes. It was designed by the renowned recitalist, teacher and organ builder Robert Noehren, and built to his specification by David Harris of Whittier, California.

We Draw Upon

  • Traditional Anglican hymns
  • Gregorian chant
  • Shape-Note/Southern Harmony
  • Supplemental Episcopal hymnals such as Wonder, Love and Praise; Voices Found; and Lift Every Voice and Sing II.
  • Original compositions by Calvary’s music directors, past and present

Upcoming Music Events

Motet Choir Rehearsal

April 30 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Motet Choir Rehearsal

May 7 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Motet Choir Rehearsal

May 14 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Motet Choir Rehearsal

May 21 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Motet Choir Rehearsal

May 28 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm