Advent Quiet Day
Calvary Episcopal Church 111 Third Avenue SW, Rochester, MNAdvent is many things to us - a time of waiting, preparation, rest, and repair. It is also a time of intense
Advent is many things to us - a time of waiting, preparation, rest, and repair. It is also a time of intense
The Motet Choir and guests will lead a traditional service of Lessons and Carols surrounded by candlelight. Come listen to and sing
This is one of two services each Sunday: at 8:30 am, Calvary offers a Rite I service of Holy Eucharist. Rite I
Join Rev. Beth for an Advent Bible study series to study the gospel readings using the Dwelling in the Word format. Grab
Join fellow parishioners around the piano in Brackenridge Hall as Jeff Daehn and Katrina Chan lead us in singing our favorite Christmas
This is one of two services each Sunday: at 10:30 am, Calvary offers a Rite II service of Holy Eucharist. Rite II
Sometimes called "Blue Christmas," this service is a time for all who are grieving, seeking healing, feeling contemplative, or finding this time
Join us each week for our healing service, featuring prayers, Holy Eucharist, and anointing for healing. All are welcome!
Join us at 8:30 pm each week for compline on the Calvary Facebook Page. Compline is descended from the night prayers
Morning Prayer begins at 7:00 am on Zoom. The link will be found on the Calvary Facebook page.