February 23, 2022
Beloved in Christ:
We are coming to the end of a church season. This Sunday is the last Sunday after the Epiphany, and on Wednesday, March 2, we move into Lent. Mary, Joseph, the baby and the Wise Men seem like a long time ago, but we’ve been traveling through stories of discovery and epiphany since The Epiphany on January 7. This Sunday, February 27, we will hear of exodus and revelation, and witness the transfiguration of Jesus on a mountaintop. The stories and prayers this Sunday point us toward Lent and ultimately, to Easter. Last year, we were still closed up in our homes, only able to worship together online. This year, we are able to come together in person, both for worship and for Lenten classes.
I invite you to the observance of a holy Lent, beginning with receiving ashes on your forehead this Wednesday. We will offer Ashes to Go on the sidewalks of Calvary from 8am – 11:30am, then have traditional services of Holy Eucharist and the Imposition of Ashes at noon and 7:00pm in the church. The 7:00 service will be live streamed as well. There will be many ways to observe Lent at Calvary this year. I hope that you will find time to fit a discipline of worship, service, prayer and study into your own busy lives for the next 40 days, and join me in remembering that we are God’s people, never alone, always the Easter people, following the way of the Cross, which is the Way of Love.
In gratitude,