Beloved in Christ:

This Sunday is the annual meeting of the congregation of Calvary. As we have done for a few years now, we will have only one service, at 10:30, and we will surround our business meeting with our Liturgy of the Word and Sacrament – the readings from the Bible and the sharing of the body and blood of Christ at the Eucharist. In the church, there is little to no difference between the sacred and the profane. All that we do in our faith community we do to the glory of God, from formation to outreach, to worship, and to how we consider our “treasure” and what we do with that treasure – the finances we hold in common that we decide how to spend, and how our spending reflects our core values and mission.  God’s glory is shown through how we discern our leadership on the vestry, in our staffing, and in all leadership positions. God’s glory is shown through the many ways we discern what to do with our programs, fellowship, and how we reach into the community beyond our walls.
We make many prayerful decisions at the annual meeting that will guide our vestry, staff, and indeed our church in the year ahead. It’s an exciting time to be at Calvary – a growing church and children’s program, interviews ongoing for our next minister of music, and the vision and creative planning needed for the years to come as we live into the reality of an expanded Mayo Clinic, complete with a 24/7 full hospital directly to our west – literally across the street!
We will meet in the church for this meeting, and a screen will be in the church in front of our altar. I know that can be jarring to see, so I want you to have a full “heads-up” on that. We will use the George Waters Altar for our Eucharist.  Having the worship service and meeting in the church allows more people to have a seat, and it allows us to save a great deal of money by not having to set up extra technology in Brackenridge; we can use our existing live streaming capabilities for those who can’t be with us in person, and the meeting will be recorded. And yes, you can bring in a cup of coffee – no refills while church is going on though!
Michelle McKean has planned activities for our children; they can join in the beginning of the service, leave (if they want to) for the business portion, and then return for Eucharist.
This is an important meeting – we will ask for your acceptance of the 2025 budget, present a program on the plans the vestry has for 2025, thank retiring vestry members, and welcome new ones. You will have an opportunity to get updates on our 2024 financial picture and our investments, along with other business matters that need congregational input.
I hope to see you on Sunday at 10:30. Coffee and doughnuts will be available starting at 9:15.
God bless you. Calvary would not thrive without you.