Beloved in Christ:

The pledge drive to fund God’s work at Calvary begins next week. Forward United: We are Faithful, is our theme for the work of raising money for this parish and all that God is calling us to do in this time of our common life in 2025 and the longer future.  You will receive a pledge card and a letter in your mail next week.

This is perhaps the most exciting time I’ve experienced in 25 years of ministry. We have coped with a lot at Calvary since the pandemic started in 2020, and we not only have persisted, we are no longer just surviving; we are moving into a time that I would call “thriving.”

Over the past 18 months, as more of Mayo Clinic’s expansion project of Bold. Forward. Unbound. has been revealed, this congregation has done an amazing job of absorbing the news of change that is already beginning all around us. We have listened to one another and been remarkably flexible already as we cope with changing traffic patterns, the temporary removal of our beloved stained-glass windows, generations of dust, rubble, and brick being removed from the undercroft, and the anticipation of further disruption in the months ahead.

During the time already passed, and in faithful expectation of the future, I know that the Holy Spirit is very present among us and in our neighborhood as God begins to show us what a faithful walk will look like in the newest iteration of Calvary. All around us, the Mayo Clinic will be changing and building and moving. And we will be changing too. It will take a couple of years to fully understand how it will feel, and how we will be impacted, by becoming the center of the Mayo experience. It has been pointed out to me that we are already surrounded, in some ways, by Mayo. But it will be very different to be directly across the street, on our west side, from a hospital that is open 24/7. It will be different to have the main check-in experience for Mayo patients in an area where everyone will be looking down on our beautiful church, instead of meeting us eye to eye. Once this expansion work is done, we will be surrounded by beautiful landscaping and pedestrian walking paths. It will be different. And, we will be here, opening our doors and hearts to all who come to Calvary, as we do now, but more so. We will be partnering with Mayo in new ways: the possibilities are huge to do things together in the arts, music, speaker series, and more.  This is indeed an exciting time. And of course, challenging. But our theme of Forward United: We are Faithful, speaks to this challenge.  In faith, we can do anything, and we have everything that we need to follow God’s voice, right here.

As our pledge season begins, one of the most exciting goals that we have set is to raise enough money through pledges and gifts to sustainably fund a full-time director of music. I will write more about that later, but wanted you all to know about this new vestry decision. You can imagine how joyfully I received that decision. Again, a challenge, but one I know this congregation will meet with enthusiasm and hopefulness.

So, so much more to talk about, but most importantly, look for those pledge cards and please join me in pledging financially, and generously, to God’s work at Calvary for this next year, and the years to come. Forward United: We are Faithful.

In gratitude for you all,
