Beloved in Christ:

I spent much of Monday dwelling in the glow (and fatigue) from the most wonderful Holy Cross Day that I’ve experienced in a long time. To see our church full, with 60 people sitting in the overflow area of Brackenridge, to see the proud and happy faces of those who were confirmed and received, and the joy of their families; to watch 15 people line up to have their faith reaffirmed (a true altar call!), to watch scads of children meet the bishop in Children’s Church, dance to the music out on the lawn during the picnic, to watch old and new friends and acquaintances gather over sandwiches and pie, to welcome guests and new members, to be glad for the winners of the Pie Contest (Eva Timimi and Elizabeth Larsen), to hear the supportive and inspiring words of our bishop; and most of all, to hear so many voices lifted in praise and joy in our music and prayers – for this priest, for this lover of Calvary’s people, for this woman who tries every day to follow the Holy Spirit and walk with Jesus… well, it was just the best.
A million thank-you’s to everyone who made Holy Cross Day special: Lee Gilmore and Cindy Heins and their cohort of Fellowship volunteers, the Motet Choir and Jeff and Katrina, the altar guild and all of our worship leaders – thanks to our crucifer who was lifting the cross for the first time in his acolyte career (John Mueller), to our staff and so many others who just stepped up to help set up and clean up and make sure that everything just worked: Thanks. I love you. And so does Jesus.
In gratitude,